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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The quality of compassion and love must come to expression in different kinds of bodily activity

The quality of compassion and love must come to expression in different kinds of bodily activity.

Already from we are quite young we ought to work in the garden, learn to do carpentry, paint, write poems, weave, take care of an animal etc.

And through the senses – we must observe the trees, the mountains, the richness of the Earth, the poverty humans have created in the world.

And we must listen to classical music, bird song, the murmur from a stream.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Self-assertion is a kind of self-interest, where everything turns around the Ego

Self-assertion is a vice.

Self-assertion is a kind of self-interest, where everything turns around the Ego, and therefore makes the mind mediocre.

To live in a world, which is controlled by self-assertion, without being self-assertive, means, truly, to love something for its own sake, without seeking a reward, a result; but this is very difficult, because the whole world, all your friends, your relatives, struggle to achieve something, to accomplish something, to become something.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Everything has meaning; nothing is old, nothing is charred, nothing is recurrence, because reality is never old

The human being who doesn´t require anything, who doesn´t strive after goals, who doesn´t seek a result with all what this is implying, such a human being is in an ongoing condition of experience.

Since everything is in movement, everything has meaning; nothing is old, nothing is charred, nothing is recurrence, because reality is never old.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The challenge never ends, because every moment in life is a challenge

The challenge never ends, because every moment in life is a challenge.

Challenge and reaction is life itself.

Life is, and must be, a line of challenges and reactions.

The challenge doesn´t direct itself after the desires and dislikes of Man, or after his special wishes, but it takes different forms to different times.

And if Man had the ability to meet a challenge completely and directly, there would be no problems.

Friday, March 27, 2015

The mind, which in the awaken state functions after images, continues this in dreams while it is sleeping

The mind, which in the awaken state, in the day-time, functions after the images of life in which it is brought up - the conscious mind with all its daily activities - continues these activities in dreams while it is sleeping.

These activities consist in thoughts, feelings, sensations, arrangements, modifications, plans, comments, memories, image formations, and all the daily worries, misgivings, annoyances and demands, which are connected with this, because you from the thinking´s past or future make the Now´s facts into an problem. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

War is about things, and our social and moral values are based on things

When it is so important to understand the right relationship with the things, then this is because they have an all-important meaning for most people.

War is about things, and our social and moral values are based on things.

We will not be able to understand reality, unless we understand the complicated process of the will to power.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

All motives, intentions, desires, pleasures, misgivings, inspirations, longings, expectations, sorrows, joys, are a movement in the thinking

All motives, intensions, desires, pleasures, misgivings, inspirations, longings, expectations, sorrows, joys, are within the area of consciousness, but all this is a movement in the thinking.

What we mean about consciousness, is in this way, on a superficial level of the mind, clearly enough the thinking´s process.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

As long as there is a desire of becoming something, there will be anxiety

In order to understand what you are, the duality-conflict must cease, because the negative response – to become something - is to deny the understanding of what you are.

If you as a Life Artist want to understand for instance haughtiness, you must not try to become the opposite, you must not become yourself absent in the effort of becoming something else, because this creates anxiety.

When the anxiety is removed you can be yourself present.

But it will be anxiety, and therefore absence, as long as there is a desire of becoming something.

Monday, March 23, 2015

What is death?

So what is death?

How can you find out without that it only is a belief you adopt?

Is it possible to be death present in passive listening, not another's death, but your own death?

It demands that you don't identify yourself with something, what of course is very difficult.

Most of us identify ourselves with our furniture, with our house, with our wife or husband, with our government, with our country, with the image we have of ourselves, and we identify ourselves with something greater – the world-image, which perhaps is a tribal feeling that expands to embrace the nation; or you identify yourself with a special property, a special image.

What happens if you don’t identify yourself with all this?

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Creative emptiness is the condition where the mind is completely released from your perspective

Creative emptiness is the condition where the mind is completely released from your perspective, from images of any kind, and the ideas, symbols and conceptions, which are their manifestations.

The known has stepped aside for the benefit of the unknown, the beauty of creation.

Everything is new, unnamed, unformed, non-linguistic presence.

The mind is pure, fresh, young, innocent; completely open and receiving.

The mind is awake and the heart is open, awareness and love in one.

And in this creative emptiness reality and truth can be discovered, or received, it is one and same.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

A complete development of the body is a necessity; a thing, we all the time must lay us in mind

It is not only the clarity of the mind, the reason, and the emotional sensitivity, we must develop, also a complete development of the body is a necessity; a thing, we all the time must lay us in mind.

Because if the body isn´t healthy and strong, it will inevitably distort the thought, and contribute to insensibility.

This is beyond any doubt, wherefore we don´t have to discuss it in details.

It is absolutely required that the body is healthy, that it gets the right food and enough rest.

If the senses aren´t awake, then the body will hinder the complete development of Man.

Friday, March 20, 2015

In order to understand yourself you must understand that Man is an inviolable whole

In order to understand yourself you must understand that Man is an inviolable whole, not only a determined being, as for instance a society being with his particular assigned job: a worker, a citizen, a consumer, or a political being, right wing or leftist, or a religious being, Christian, Moslem, Jew, - but a complete whole in which an interaction and a reciprocity takes place.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Most of us see in the relationship, in the mirror, what we want to see, but we don´t see the real

The relationship is a mirror in which you can see yourself.

This mirror can either distort or expose the truth about yourself.

Most of us see in the relationship, in the mirror, what we preferably want to see, but we don´t see that, which is real.

We like to condemn, justify, compare, or escape, and rather live in the past or the future, than to see the relations in which we are in the moment.

In this way the present, as Pascal said, only becomes used by the past as a passage to the future, and therefore the relationship – which is something that is in the moment, and not in past and future – becomes meaningless, wherefore there arises unreality and absence.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Why has Man always created a conflict in himself and in the relationship with the others?

Why has Man always created a conflict in himself and in the relationship with others  - and consequently violence, and the hope about achieving something through violence?

Man has tied himself to a way of life, which leads to war, and yet he at the same time wants peace and freedom; but it is peace and freedom exclusively as an idea, an ideology.

And at the same time Man is historical limited by everything he does.

Monday, March 16, 2015

The new is never there, because you always meet the new with the old

Since we meet any challenge from the past´s conditions – and because the challenge always is new – our reaction to the challenge will each time be utterly insufficient, and from this comes the contradiction, the conflict, and all the sorrow, distress and misery, we have inherited.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

You shall not renounce the world, because you can´t live in isolation

As a Life Artist you must try to find a process, which can help you to understand yourself, and it is not a process, which will isolate you.

You shall not renounce the world, because you can´t live in isolation.

To be is to be in connection with others, and it is neither possible, nor required, to live in isolation.

The reason why there are conflicts, distress and misery, is that our relationship with the surrounding world is not right; our world might be very narrow, but if we can change our relationship with others, precisely in this narrow world, we will start a process, which spreads like rings in water.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Where absence weaves images, presence releases the mind for images

Where absence weaves images, presence releases the mind for images.

This is very simple.

If you become thoroughly present in passive listening when you for instance are angry, then it is not absence, which allows the past to push itself in and create reflections, and disturbing the actual sensation of the immediate anger.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The philosophical counselor is no authority, no teacher or guru

The philosophical counselor must suggest the guest not just to accept what he himself says, since he is no authority, no teacher or guru.

If he was a guru, then the guest would be his disciple, and in his quality of disciple the guest would, in philosophical sense, destroy both himself and the counselor.